No Limit – What is a Bad Beat?

In a previous article, I talked about all the things that really annoyed me in the world of poker. It’s only natural that after playing poker for a long time, you start to sort of get used to things. You get comfortable in the world of poker, and when things start getting tough, you start to get stressed. That’s a natural human tendency. It’s also a tendency that can cause huge problems in your poker game.
When things get tough at the poker table, the natural reaction is to believe that it’s going to get tougher than ever before, and that you’re going to lose again, and again, and again. The natural human tendency is to say ” Well, if I don’t do something, I’ll never win!” Yet, you fail to realize that the only way you’ll ever be able to become un-oughened is if you stop making the same mistakes.
If you get a bad beat, more than likely, you’re going to feel it. It may be called a “bad beat” as opposed to a “bad plunge.” However, regardless of how you feel about the suck-out, you are still going to have to deal with it. You feel like you let a huge load of chips go there, and you want to go back and do anything but feel that way.
The natural human tendency is to struggle to get back to even. If you understand this, you’ll have more success in getting back what you have lost. Similarly, if you don’t make mental notes of the tight and aggressive players at your table, you will struggle in moving beyond your past mistakes.
If you’re dealing with a tons of junk going on at your table, you’re going to struggle. That’s a fact. You may feel unbeatable because you’ve got a lot of chips, or you’re used to having more chips than anybody else at the table, but if you don’t deal with the activity at hand, you’ll continue to feel that way.
There’s a lot to deal with when you’re in a tough spot at the poker table. If you don’t bring sufficient goods to the poker table, you’re going to struggle. Likewise, if you bring a sufficient quantity of good chips to the poker table, you’ll have a better chance of getting those chips into the pot when you need them.
Finding “Dewabet” chips is the difficulty in getting back what you have lost. If you don’t want those kinds of difficult situations, you have to be prepared for them. You’ll need to have a supply of chips waiting for when you’re in a tough spot. When you’re not yet making any money playing poker, you can get yourself a little pre-planned money reserve.
A poker player is a risk taker. He is someone who is willing to put extra energy and effort into the game. He is someone who is willing to take a chance. And most of all, he is someone who is determined to do whatever it takes to win.
You can’t outplay a big bankroll or a big stack. You can’t bully your way to the final table if your tournament payoffs are small. You can’t play any old tournaments you want, unless it’s a sizable buy-in for your own benefit. And you better have a big stack, or the other players at your table will be impressed with your abilities and probably take more risks against you.
On the other hand, the really expensive tournaments with $1,000 starting chips may or may not be the best way to learn and practice poker. You can get a lot of valuable experience for a small investment, and you can have some fun while you’re doing it. But you’ll need to make a big enough investment to take home aual prizes.
The thing to remember is that most of the profitable poker strategies will involve becoming a better player. And a better player will cost more than a poor player. Poor players almost always lose, and the ones that lose don’t really lose that much. They might have to go without food for a few days, but a great player can make a lot of money.
Finally, the really expensive tournaments are the ones you really want to try your hand at. Even if you lose money in these games, you’re probably not losing very much. You could probably earn back the money you lost, you might even be up quite a bit in profit. So if you can afford the fee, go for it.
Tournaments that cost more than $1,000 are very difficult to win, and even if you make back your $1,000 (and probably a lot more), you’re probably still going to lose at least another $1,000 making the game essentially unprofitable.