Safeguarding Your Personal Information in Your System

More and more cases of stealing personal information from personal computers are being reported around the world. One need to be aware about these attacks and should take necessary precautions to prevent this from happening. These forms attacks are very difficult to find out. But you can prevent them from happening by adhering to following points.
You may receive emails in disguise form. It may resemble very much to a mail from a reputed undertaking. When you receive a mail asking to reveal your personal information, never disclose it.
Another latest method employed isPhishingto extract your login and password. In Phishing when you are looking for a particular website, you will be presented with a webpage which very similar to the original web page. Without doubt you enters the correct URL and log in to your account. Once you log in, you will be presented with a message asking you to enter your user name and password to confirm identity or you will be required to install a certain software for uninterrupted service. Once you visit the site, you will be asked to carry out this procedure, but do not forget to take a look at the URL as this is the sure way to identify the spoof site.
If you receive an email asking you to reveal your password or user id, never divulge that to anyone, no matter how much they resemble the original email.
User names and passwords are often based on words or sentence which can easily be guessed. Therefore, developers usually choose longer passwords which can be made based on a single word, two words or three words, for example: mypassword1234567890. Apart from using a word, you should also use capital letters, small letters, numbers and symbols. If you want to make your password more complex, you can add in other characters, for example: mypasswordXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
A good example to show you how simple it is to guess passwords is to imagine you are chatting to a friend on your online social networking account. As soon as you type your friend’s name into the address box, imagine that someone is waiting for you to transfer funds to your friend’s account, because you know that your friend sent you the amount you need for the transaction. Your friend will definitely blame you for not sending the amount back, even though you did not touch his/her account, and the transaction cannot be automatically reversed.
To avoid such scenarios, you should never respond to solicitations for your personal details, no matter how sincere they seem.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that, no matter how much security measures are implemented, it is ultimately the responsibility of the user to keep his/her information away from hackers, who would definitely steal any information that you share online.
Keeping your passwords as confidential as possible, and using a combination of capital letters, small letters, numbers and symbols helps to reduce the chances of being victimised by hackers.
Another useful method to protect your passwords is to use a separate password for each site.Try thinking of a different password for each site you visit, and you can’t possibly remember them all!
At the end, don’t forget to create a useful password, and never share it with anyone else. Including your mobile phone number, your zip code, or similar information will make it easier for crooks to target you.
Don’t bother to share your user name on websites, it can easily be guessed, using the first letters of the site’s domain name, or the first few letters of the website’s URL Pokerclub88.
Avoid sharing financial or personal information on unsecured sites.
Never click on spam ads, even if they ask you to enter your user name and password.
On user registration sites, don’t use your real name.
First of all, it is important to understand that using a “real name” on a registration site points nothing to your real identity. Secondly, give out your password to others, not always on trust sites, but always on secure sites, sites where you will be able to see that you are interacting with the correct person.
User names often contain whole or partial names, numbers, and symbols.
E.g my user name is “Fr3sh1t#1136”. While it is true that this password contains three letters and two numbers, the whole name is not important to us and strange characters might be added to the end, if we choose to make the password longer.
Passwords are usually case sensitive, that is, upper and lower case.
Especially I am often asked what my password is. Well I never use my real password, I use a tricky word that is easy to remember however, I don’t think it will ever be possible to remember it, because nobody else will ever guess what it is.
I usually use the passwordThingsToRememberWhenInactive.