How to Quarter the Pot Before Going To All In

What is the most difficult decision you have to make in a poker match? That is when your opponent decides to go all in. In simple terms, what does it mean when your opponent decides to quarter the pot? It means that your opponent is making a half-hearted attempt at getting you to fold.
This is seen usually in situations where your opponent has a strong hand and wants to get the pot odds to be in his favor. Let’s say, for example you have AA and your opponent has Q9. Most likely your opponent will think that you have the best hand available and he will try to make the best hand and induce you to fold.
If you think that your hand is beat, you can call your opponent’s half-hearted attempt at getting you to fold. But, if you are beat, you can also call him because you are out of position. In this case, if he puts in half the amount that you have put in, you will win the entire pot. This enables you to be the one to act in the current betting round, which is typically more profitable for you.
However, if you want to quarters the pot, you have to do it in increments. If your opponent is willing to put in 1/4 of the amount that you have put in, you can not put in anything and only hope that you will win 1/4 of the pot. In this case, you would not be getting any value for your hand and it would not be beneficial to you to continue playing.
The general rule regarding quartering the pot is that you should only quarter the pot in order to try to get your opponent to commit a huge amount of his stack to the pot. If you want to half the pot, you want to give your opponent a context in which to put in a bigger amount of money.
You do this by starting off the betting round with a bet that is relatively cheap. Let’s say you start off the betting with 10 cents. If your opponent puts in half of that the pot, you can call him without any fear of losing your hand. This is because if you were to call and lose, you would only have 9 cents left, whereas if you called and did not lose, you have 95 cents left. So essentially you are risking 10 cents in order to gain 95 cents.
Now, there are additional, smaller bets that you can make in order to try to get your opponent to commit more money to the pot. These are typically done in order to get maximum value for your hand. Obviously, if you own a better hand, you want your opponent to fold as soon as possible. This is why you should call him or try to induce him to fold early in the game.
However, you don’t necessarily have to do this with a monster hand. In fact, it is better if you don’t have a lot of knowledge of poker and you are just trying to steal the blinds. Once in a while, it is alright to show your hand then, at least you can put your opponent on a hand. However, making your hand known at this time may cause some confusion later on, so it is better to avoid.
There are some poker players who are very good at reading their opponents. They are able to distinguishing and analyzing the hand of their opponents. They are experts at figuring out what the opponent’s hand is unless the opponent himself gimmicks his hand. These players know when their hand is weak and time to fold.
Here some techniques on how to quarter the pot. Pick a round where you think your opponent is a lot weaker than you. Time to go to them. If you pick a round that is more vulnerable to wild card turns than you, then you can go to your opponent and try to make him commit a lot of his chips to see whether he has a better hand than you, with a semi-bluff.
It is extremely important to understand that in order to execute a semi-bluff, you will first have to plan to commit your chips to the pot. You might even want to pick a spot where you think your opponent is a lot weaker than you, yet you can still win the pot. An example: your opponent is a lot stronger than you in a 7meter game, yet you think he is a lot weaker than you, so you want to commit your chips to the pot because you think you can still beat him.
The time to semi-bluff is when you think that your opponent is weak, but you have a better hand than him. However, you don’t want to overdo it and bet too aggressively because it will drive your opponent away. It is better to just ease off a little bit and let your opponent make a mistake, then re-raise back and push him around a little bit if you think he is weak.